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État de la blogosphère

« What a shock, then, to witness the near-instantaneous rise of 50 million blogs, with a new one appearing every two seconds. There – another new blog! One more person doing what AOL and ABC – and almost everyone else – expected only AOL and ABC to be doing. These user-created channels make no sense economically. Where are the time, energy, and resources coming from?

The audience. « 

Source: Wired 13.08

Sifry de Technorati vient de sortir son troisième état de la Blogosphère :

  • The blogosphere continues to double about every 5.5 months
  • A new blog is created about every second, there are over 80,000 created daily
  • About 55% of all blogs are active, and that has remained a consistent statistic for at least a year
  • About 13% of all blogs are updated at least weekly

En trois billets: 1. Blog Growth 2. Posting Volume 3.Tags and tagging

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ZEROSECONDE.COM (cc) 2004-2012 Martin Lessard

Contenu protégé selon la licence Paternité – Pas d’utilisation commerciale – Partage des conditions initiales à l’identique 2.0 de Creative Commons

Martin Lessard
Conférencier, consultant en stratégie web et réseaux sociaux, chargé de cours. Nommé un des 8 incontournables du Montréal 2.0 (La Presse, 2010). Je tiens ce carnet depuis 2004.

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