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MS & AP : Distribution vidéo des nouvelles

Tiré du New York Time (via Business Innovations in the Age of Google)

Microsoft and Associated Press to Join in News Video Distribution
said yesterday that it would develop a news video distribution network for The Associated Press and share in advertising revenue generated by the newspapers and broadcasters that use it.

« The combination will enable our advertisers to better reach the huge audience of people who now turn primarily to the Internet for their information, »
Todd Herman (director of MSN advertising and business strategy.)

C’est ce que Ray Ozzie, CTO chez Microsoft, disait…The power of the advertising-supported economic model. Microsoft ne perd pas son temps…

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Martin Lessard
Conférencier, consultant en stratégie web et réseaux sociaux, chargé de cours. Nommé un des 8 incontournables du Montréal 2.0 (La Presse, 2010). Je tiens ce carnet depuis 2004.

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